Pro Tailwind

02. Restore color opacity support

šŸ‡ TL;DR

  • We added themable colors that change fron theme to theme, butā€¦
  • We borked the color opacity support in the process šŸ˜­
  • We need to compose Tailwindā€™s internal opacity CSS variable within our themable colors

ā¬‡ļø Skip to the challenge

šŸ¢ Background

When implementing our themable colors, weā€™ve accidentally thrown away an important feature of Tailwind CSS: Color Opacity management.

Oh no! šŸ™€

How Tailwind CSS handles opacity

You may not even have thought about this, but there are no such properties as text-opacity or background-opacity in CSS.

Yet, Tailwind CSS still provides text-opacity and bg-opacity utility classes that work flawlessly.


Letā€™s take a look at a background-color class for a default Tailwind CSS color, like bg-indigo-600 for example:

<p class="bg-indigo-600">I love this color</p>

Hereā€™s the CSS generated for this utility class:

.bg-indigo-600 {
  --tw-bg-opacity: 1;
  background-color: rgb(79 70 229 / var(--tw-bg-opacity));

See that --tw-bg-opacity CSS variable? Itā€™s being used to compose the opacity into the background color, which is defined as an rgb() color.


CSS variable composition

By default, this opacity variable is set to 1, or full opacity.

Letā€™s add a background opacity utilty to our paragraph tag:

<p class="bg-indigo-600 bg-opacity-50">I love this color</p>

Can you guess what that bg-opacity-50 class is doing?

Thatā€™s right. It just redefines the value of the --tw-bg-opacity variable. It doesnā€™t apply any CSS property or anything!

Since the opacity utilities are generated after the color utilities in the CSS file, the value of the --tw-bg-opacity CSS variable is updated to 0.5.

As a result, the background color is now a rgb() color with a 0.5 alpha channel, or 50% opacity!

.bg-indigo-600 {
-  --tw-bg-opacity: 1;
+  --tw-bg-opacity: 0.5;
  background-color: rgb(79 70 229 / var(--tw-bg-opacity));

This is some pretty clever stuff, hopefully opening your eyes to what you can do with CSS variable composition.

Tailwind CSS is full of mind bending CSS variable composition tricks.

Tailwind CSS internally transform colors to RGB

While Tailwind CSS is capable of working its internal magic to transform different color formats like HEX, RGB or HSL, itā€™s not able to do that when we define colors as CSS variables, as we currently do:

theme: {
    extend: {
        colors: {
            base: 'var(--color-text-base)',
            inverted: 'var(--color-text-inverted)',

When using CSS variables, hereā€™s what CSS a similar background color utility would generate.

The following utility classā€¦

<p class="bg-primary-600">I love this color</p>

ā€¦ would generate this CSS:

.bg-primary-600 {
  background-color: var(--primary-600);

No opacity composition anywhere.

Itā€™s just using the CSS variable weā€™ve passed to it.

Adding a background opacity would do nothing, since it just updates the --tw-bg-opacity variableā€¦ which is never used in our bg-primary-600 class.

In other words, weā€™re stuck with using full opacity colors only with our current implementation.

Thatā€™s a bummer!

<alpha-value> to the rescue

Luckily, Tailwind gives us access to itā€™s internal <alpha-value>, which we can use to compose our own rgb() colors when consuming CSS variables.

This is what youā€™ll need to do in this challenge!

Hereā€™s a link to a very useful page of the Tailwind CSS documentation website.

šŸ† Your challenge šŸ†

In the Tailwind Play below:

  1. In the CSS tab, convert the HEX color values to R G B channels. Not the rgb() color, just the individual channels.

  2. In the JS tab, update the primary object to use rgb() color functions.

  3. Once again, donā€™t worry about code duplication just yet. Weā€™ll get to that later.

Youā€™ll find more hints within the Play.

āœŒļø Good luck!

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